藍山一日遊Blue Mountain Day Tour $39/PP 天天出發 上車地點:Hurstville 華英小廚07:15,China town 35 Harbour st唐人街麥當勞08:00
史提芬港一日遊Port Stephen Day Tour $39/PP 天天出發 上車地點:Hurstville 華英小廚06:15,China town 35 Harbour st 唐人街麥當勞 07:00,,Chatswood RSL Club 07:20
首都堪培拉一日遊Canberra Day Tour $39/PP 天天出發 上車地點:Hurstville 華英小廚07:15,China town 35 Harbour st唐人街麥當勞08:00
悉尼市區一日遊Sydney City Day Tour $39/PP 天天出發 上車地點:China town 35 Harbour st 唐人街麥當勞11:15
南岸空中賞雨林、浪花洞、朱古力廠一日遊Illawarra Fly, Blow Hole City Day Tour $50/PP 星期六、日出發 上車地點:China town 35 Harbour st 唐人街麥當勞08:00
獵人谷一日遊Hunter Valley Day Tour $129/pp 每週六出發 上車地點:Hustville 華英小廚06:15,China town 35 Harbour st唐人街麥當勞07:00
團費包含: 旅遊巴士交通,爬蟲公園門票,酒莊視像觀摩,共享午餐,導遊服務費$5/人 |
1.因人數不足(少於六人)或天氣原因,本社有權在啟程前或者啟程後取消或更改行程,也有權縮短或延長行程(Under special circumstances, our company reserves the right to cancel the tour prior to or after the date of departure and the right to adjust/change the schedule of the tour. )
2. 團友旅遊安全由各交通公司、旅店、各旅遊景點等直接負責, 與本公司無關.。建議各位遊客購買旅行保險,如在行程中遇上任何事故,而導致損失或傷亡,本公司概不負責任。 ( We shall not be responsible for any loss injury or death caused by accident, ignorance or negligence. We highly recommend all travelers to take out comprehensive travel insurance.)
3. 如團友因任何事故未能參團,取消辦法:(1)出發三日前扣團費75% (2)出發三日內取消,所交費用概不退還。 (75% cancellation charge if cancel three days prior to Departure. No refund if cancel within three days. No refund if traveler is late or no show. )
4. 團費皆包括消費稅,不包括午.晚餐費, 景點入場劵及導遊司機小費(每人每天澳幣5元).所有價格或旅遊景點門票以當天價格為準,恕不另行通知。景點門票必須由導遊統一購買,如游客自行購買,本社概不提供任何交通接送服務, 或客人額外支付接送服務費$60/人/天(Tour fee includes 10% GST but not admissions and lunch and dinner. Admission fees are subject to change without prior notice. All travelers have to purchase admissions through the driver-guide, otherwise they have to pay extra $60 per person per day for the transportation.)